Fortuna Terrae means luck of the land in Latin, and indeed, our vines from this parcel of the Adrianna Vineyard are lucky. The deep loamy soils are home to many varieties of native grasses which prevent erosion and attract benefic insects, singing birds and mountain foxes. Because of the freshness imparted by the deep soils and high altitude, the wines of Fortuna Terrae have optimal acidity and delicate flower aromas. It is best to enjoy this wine a few years or decades after harvest.
“We are a family winery with over 100 years of experience growing Malbec in Mendoza. From father to son, brother to sister, we have passed on the tradition of tending vines and winemaking. In the 1980’s Nicolas Catena Zapata changed the history of Argentine wine when he dared to believe that he could make a wine in Mendoza that would stand with the best of the world. Planting Malbec at an altitude where no one through it would ripen, studying climate and soil to the smallest detail, developing the first ever plant selection of Argentine Malbec, my father and I have embarked on a journey to make a wine with soul, a wine of character, a wine that will age for generations to come, from our five cherished vineyards. Angelica, La Piramide, Adrianna, Domingo and Nicasia.”
Laura Catena – fourth generation Catena Zapata family vintner