Desgined and produced in the tranditional Pechuga method – a style of mezcal made as a celebration, adding fruits, bread, and sweets to an already already distilled mezcal and then redistilling it – the Higo Mexcal focusses on Mexican Higos (Fig).
Gracias a Dios
The team behind Gracias a Dios Mezcal opened a mezcalería in Querétaro, México in 2010. After two years of touring around Mexico in search of mezcal, they met mezcalero Oscar Hernández and were impressed by his mezcal. They decided to create a brand with Oscar and make him an equal partner. Oscar learned how to distill from his mother whose nickname is "La Jefa".
Aside from a few special releases, Gracias a Dios is made in Santiago Matatlan, Oaxaca. It is 100% artisanal, handmade with piñas from Espadín agave and other varieties, ground and fermented in their own palenque in Santiago Matatlán, and distilled in copper by maestro mezcalero Oscar Hernández Santiago. Their Karwinskii agaves are shredded mechanically, due to the toughness of their fibers, and then tahona-crushed afterwards. All other agave used at this palenque are crushed by horse-drawn tahona only.