I studied, trained and worked in environments where the technical approach was the route to the best results. Over 25 years I've worked for and with some truly outstanding winemaking brains, many of whom started tossing out some of the contents of the winemaking tool kit and becoming more of the new age father to their wines. The fun and the magic in wine in this "new age" is watching what unfolds before you. Not losing yourself in every step it took to get there and nudging it in the "right" direction constantly.
Beyond my role as a winemaker, I am a consultant for advanced technology projects in Australasia. Enologica Vason is an innovative Italian company REVOLUTIONISING the wine industry through research and development of equipment and products for large scale wine production. The primary aim of these gives the winemaker the tools to make wines in a more sustainable way.
Simon’s expertise is utilised also on contract to other visionary companies in the process of developing technical tools to advance winemakers knowledge of the natural CHEMISTRY of the wine grape.
Currently, Simon is primarily winemaker for Te Muna Valley wines. Alongside this Simon explores his creativity, and pushes his ‘hands off’ winemaking with small volume projects such as GROVES.
With all this technical knowledge and vast experience, Simon lives with his family on a four-hectare piece of land on the outskirts of Martinborough. His wife Amanda and three children live a charming life planting grapevines, growing food and tending ponies. Watch this space for Amanda’s Filly project coming soon!
Simon's experience in the wine industry is vast and varied. From an introduction through retail, a vine nursery in Auckland, cellar work at Delegats followed by formal Wine Science training through Charles Sturt University.
His professional winemaking career started at Church Road in the Hawkes Bay, mentored by Tony Prichard, which then moved on to Montana Wines in Gisborne. Simon gained a reputation for his Bordeaux style reds and was held responsible for Saints Merlot Cabernet.
Following Montana Wines, Simon met Amanda and they set off overseas to Italy for a winemaking role at Farnese Vini. It was there that Simon achieved the success of seeing the wine he made Decanter Magazines top Italian white wine of 2007.