The flagship choice from our coffee roaster!
The Meebz Blend is our staple choice and is by far our biggest seller with those that buy coffee online and in our retail store. Enjoyed all across New Zealand, it’s popularity has risen from the blend’s bold creamy texture and chocolate flavours along with a punchy body. In simple terms, it’s a great combination of flavour and strength without bitterness. The Meebz Blend is commonly used in retail and commercial espresso machines.
As a coffee roaster, we’re constantly refining this blend for its consistency and quality, therefore the Meebz Blend is the main brew served in our espresso bar and through many of our café partners.
Meebz Coffee Roasters is a boutique coffee roasting company based in Auckland with a retail store and coffee bar in Milford, North Shore and our roastery located in Otahuhu.
We're a small team who are passionate, experienced and enthusiastic about the NZ hospitality industry. We love coffee and our passion is to ensure our customers find their favourite taste whether you are enjoying one from our own espresso bar, or from one of our hand selected café partners.
Our experience extends to owning and operating cafes, travelling overseas at the farm's origin, competing in a variety of coffee competition's and assisting with the start-up and takeover of many hospitality operations.
At any one-time we will have over 20 different coffee offerings including specialty, organic and rain forest-alliance coffee. Our sources extend worldwide and our coffee is often sourced from smaller farms such as cooperatives, small estates and microlots. So we not only have a wide selection of fine and premium grades but our coffee is precision roasted daily in small batches so your order is guaranteed always fresh.