So this is not going to be a rum for the faint hearted. Upon pouring from the thick dark brown bottle the rum reveals itself as a very rich dark brown rum. It is arguably very slightly lighter and more reddish than Gosling’s Black Seal but there is little in it.
The nose (which was apparent as soon as the bottle was unscrewed) is very rich. Initially it is all caramel and burnt toffee almost like black treacle. As the aroma develops that rich Jamaican aroma also makes an entrance amongst the dense treacle. The rum is 50% inviting and 50% telling you to watch out!
Myers’s is a blend of 9 different rum’s some research has suggested that some of this rum may be quite old, unfortunately I couldn’t find anything concrete to confirm this. The rum is at the very least 4 years old so it should be as the tagline I have seen attributed to it “Dark and Mellow”.