--------THE PRODUCER--------
Pheasant's Tears
Pheasant’s Tears is a very new winery which was only set up in 2006. Yet, it has already come to be known as one of the golden players in the country and one of the leading ‘natural’ wine producers. John Wurdeman is the co-founder and winemaker of Pheasant’s Tears and came to Georgia through a CD of Georgian music. The focus of Pheasant’s Tears is on rare varietals and preserving the unique expressions of terroir to be found in Kakheti. All grapes are autocthonous to Georgia, such as Tavkvervi, Shakapito, Tsolikouri, Rkatsiteli, and they even make a ‘dream blend’ from 400 different varieties!
--------THE REGION--------
Georgia is the country where winemaking and viticulture comes from - until proven otherwise. It is where the oldest grape vines and winemaking equipment have been found - some of which that dates back to 6,000BC. It is home to many refreshing whites and red, as well as the home of many top orange wines.