
Vermentino is a white grape variety that originates on the French island of Corisca. It has been planted in Corsica since the in the 13th century and over this time was brought to Piemonte, then later to Sardinia of Italy. It also has a fairly long history in the south of France, here known as Rolle.

In France Vermentino is even wider planted than in its home of Italy. It makes up a total of 3,453ha mostly in Provence – where it makes sumptuous whites and blended into roses to add acidity and floral aromas. It is also still the leading white grape of the wines of Corsica.

In Italy there is a total of 3,000ha of Vermintino planted. It is made throughout the north of Italy but it is most widespread in Liguira in north-western Italy and on the island of Sardinia. On Sardinia, Vermentino is the most important grape variety making up the famous Vermentino di Gallura DOCG wines.

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