Gammel Dansk is a bitter spirit that was originally created to become a competitor on the Danish market to other bitters such as German Underberg and Italian Fernet Branca. It is infused with 29 types of herbs, spices and even flowers, making it similar to a stomach bitters. These herbs and spices include rowan berry, angelica, star anise, nutmeg, anise, ginger, laurel, yellow gentian, Seville orange and cinnamon. The detailed recipe is kept secret.
The development of Gammel Dansk commenced in 1964 and was led by master blender J.K.ASMUND who also worked as factory manager for Danish Distillers in Roskilde. Three years later the production of the bitter started, and it has since become one of the most recognizable strong alcoholic beverages on the Danish market.
In the Denmark of the 1960s and 1970s, the drinking of bitters, such as Gammel Dansk, was not considered taboo in the morning. The bottle even reads Gør godt om morgenen, efter dagens dont, under jagten, på fisketuren eller som apéritif. ("Will do you good in the morning, after a day's work, when hunting or fishing, or as an apéritif.") With the 1980s came a greater concern for public health, and with that bitters fell out of favour. Even so, Gammel Dansk still constitutes two-thirds of all bitters sold in Denmark.